PCI Compliance
PRICE: £fixed per project spec
Our Payment Card Industry standards compliance assistance helps businesses that accept credit card payments online, on their own dedicated server, to be compliant with the law.
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PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance Assistance
If you are a merchant of any size accepting credit cards on your site, you must be in compliance with PCI Security Council standards. PCI DSS (Data Security Standards) is enforced by merchant bank accounts to prevent fraud and protect customers online, ultimately lowering their costs.
Typically, the process to pass the PCI compliance test involves a lot of man hours and code changes, server updates, and server core file changes through SSH and a budget of at least £600 should be kept aside, not including the fee for PCI testing.
PCI Compliance is not a one-time issue, but is re-evaluated on a quarterly basis. However, once the initial measures are put into place, the server is configured to update automatically and code is validated without needing to be changed except for mandatory security updates, you should continue to meet all necessary checkpoints.